


Speaker: | November 02, 2020

“Persevere” November 1, 2020 – Pastor Sharon Nelson Hebrews 12:1-3 “Joyful hope propels us into action… You are not alone…”


In Paths of Righteousness

Speaker: | July 13, 2020

“In Paths of Righteousness” July 12, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Psalm 23, Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6, & Mark 1:17 “The Christian life can’t be reduced to what we believe or how we behave; it’s...

Let’s Be Honest

Speaker: | March 09, 2020

“Let’s Be Honest” March 8, 2020 – Pastor Chris Nelson Matthew 5:33-37 “Biblical truthtelling involves telling the truth with our neighbors, telling the truth about ourselves, and telling the truth about the world in which...